On September 15, we had the 5th OPTORUN’S USERS SEMINAR on optical thin film technologies at TFT Building in Ariake. Most of 120 attendees are users of our products and enjoyed this annual event, which has been becoming a well-known technical seminar for engineers in the optics industry.

The invited speakers and subjects are as follows:
1.“The Trend of Optical Thin Film Coatings” by Prof. Chung Chung Lee of Central University, Taiwan
2.“Multi Layer Optics in EUV, Soft X-ray and X-ray Range” by Prof. Wang of Shanghai Tongji University
3.“Growing CIGS Solar Cell – from R&D to Commercialization” by Prof Tokio Nakata of Aoyama Gakuin University

We greatly appreciate your interest in joining the 5 th OPTORUN’S USERS SEMINAR. Thanks to your support, the seminar ended successfully.
We will continuously plan to have this kind of event in future to offer our customers the latest optical technologies.
